Full professor in sociology at Université Libre de Bruxelles (ULB), Andrea Rea founded and is a member of the research centre Group for studies on Ethnic Relations, Migrations and Equality (GERME). His research focuses on migration studies, in Brussels and Belgium. He also works together with the Universities of Geneva and Montreal. Since 2018, he is the President of the Press.
Andrea Rea, Antoine Roblain
À la suite de l'invasion de l’Ukraine par la Russie en février 2022, des citoyen·nes ont accueilli dans leur foyer des exilé·es ukrai-nien·nes à la demande du gouvernement belge. More info
Nina Hetmanska, Thomas Berns, Magali Bessone
Où peut-on croiser plus de diversité que devant le guichet de l'Office des étrangers ? Et pourtant, le droit a choisi de regrouper et d’écraser ce foisonnement de différences sous une catégorie juridique homogénéisante : les « étrangers ». More info
Perrine Devleeshouwer, et al.
Cet ouvrage met en évidence les enjeux généraux des espaces urbains contemporains à partir du cas bruxellois. More info
Federica Infantino, Djordje Sredanovic
A systematic discussion of the implementation of migratory policies. The book presents the results of several qualitative research project with different actors that put migration policies into practice. It shows the different ways in which day-to-day activities of organisations shape migration policies on the ground. More info
Andrea Rea, et al.
During the 2000s, the European Union has witnessed a significant change in terms of integration policies for immigrants. Countries like Sweden and the Netherlands, who were both pioneers of multicultural policies in Europe both significantly limited such policies in the late 1990s. More info
Mario Telò, Paul Magnette
Les auteurs qui ont contribué à cet ouvrage, issus de disciplines et de pays différents, apportent des éclairages complémentaires sur la transition historique connue par l'Europe à la fin du XXe siècle. More info
Mamadou Dimé, Andrea Rea
Les mobilités provenant d'Afrique n'ont pas toutes pour destination l'Europe, contrairement à un idée reçue défendue par les tenants du discours idéologique du « grand remplacement ». La majorité de ces mobilités sont intra-africaines. More info
Andrea Rea, et al.
The refugee question occupied centre stage at every political debate in Europe since 2015. Starting from the "long summer of migration", the polarization of opinions and attitudes towards asylum seekers among citizens of the EU has grown increasingly. The divergence between hospitality and hostility has also become evident in political reactions. More info
Saskia Bonjour, et al.
This edited volume addresses the construction of identity classifications underlying the new forms of inclusion and exclusion that are to be found in contemporary Europe. Its scope covers practices of categorization and of resistance, both by majority groups. More info