The ÉUB take particular care in assisting its authors throughout the entire editorial process, and to guarantee them a high-quality publication – both in terms of content and form. Upon reception of the final manuscript, we take charge of page setting and detailed proofreading in preparation of the proofs. This essential step is taken in a spirit of collaboration and confidence between the author and the publishing house.
All the books we publish are reviewed by at least two experts.
Entrusting one's manuscript to the Éditions de l'Université de Bruxelles means authors can count on a publication timeline adjusted to the realities of your research. On average, it takes 3 months between submission of the final manuscript and its effective publication.
As we seek to accommodate the needs of our authors to the best of our abilities, we are open to speed up the publication process if necessary.
As an academic publisher, we take great pride in making published knowledge available to all. Accordingly, we develop an accessible pricing model adjustable to each title’s target audience. A special price is hence devised for student-centered teaching manuals.
Since 2019, complementing the paper publishing format, we propose the ebook format (epub and mobi) for our new releases.
Should you desire to distribute your research widely and freely, or if your funding agency requires open access publications, the ÉUB will gladly publish your work in open access and make it available on the main online publishing platforms.
Renowned distributors in Belgium, France, Switzerland, and Canada represent the ÉUB among the main booksellers. They equally allow the buyer ease of access to any of our titles in case it does not feature on the shelves. In parallel, we target researches and research centres via brochures and specialist journals in close collaboration with our authors.
Let us embark on this editorial journey together by sending us your submission form at along with an electronic version of your manuscript.