Mathias Dewatripont - EUB

Mathias Dewatripont

Mathias Dewatripont holds a Ph.D. in Economics from Harvard University (1986). He is Full Professor at ULB, where he was Co-Director of ECARES from its creation in 1991 until 2001. His general research area is the theory of incentives and contracts, with applications to the internal organization of firms, industrial organization and corporate finance, and the economics of higher education. He was Managing Editor of the Review of Economic Studies (1990-1994), and Council Member (1993-1998) and President (2005) of the European Economic Association.He is a Fellow and Council Member of the Econometric Society, and was one of the three Programme co-chairs of its 2000 World Congress in Seattle. He is the laureate of the 1998 Francqui Prize and of the 2003 Jahnsson Medal. He has been Research Director of the Centre for Economic Policy Research since 1998. He is a member of DG Competition's EAGCP (Economic Advisory Group on Competition Policy) and European Commission President Jose Manuel Barroso’s Economic Policy Analysis Group. In 2005, he became a Founding Member of the Scientific Council of the European Research Council.


Works involving Mathias Dewatripont