André Sapir holds a Ph.D. in Economics from The Johns Hopkins University, 1977. He is Professor at Université libre de Bruxelles, where he holds a chair in international economics and European integration. He is also a Senior Fellow of the Brussels European and Global Economic Laboratory (BRUEGEL) and a Research Fellow of the Centre for Economic Policy Research (CEPR). In addition, he is a member of European Commission President Jose Manuel Barroso's Economic Policy Analysis Group.
He was an Economic Adviser to European Commission President Romano Prodi (2001-2004) and the Chairman of the High-Level Study Group appointed by him that produced the 2003 report "An Agenda for a Growing Europe", widely known as the "Sapir Report", published by Oxford University Press in March 2004. He is a founding Editorial Board Member of the World Trade Review, published by Cambridge University Press and the World Trade Organisation.
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University rankings are “hot”. Some universities, policy makers and journalists seem to take them quite seriously. At the same time, however, they are also fiercely criticized. The best known worldwide rankings tend, for instance, to have a strong anglo-saxon bias and tend to give insufficient valorisation to human sciences. More info
Mathias Dewatripont, et al.
This book offers an improved understanding of European higher education, both from a scientific and a policy point of view. More info
Paul Magnette, Éric Remacle
Ce volume est le second d’une étude réfléchissant à la construction d’un nouveau modèle européen, plus ambitieux dans ses objectifs et plus modeste dans ses moyens, plus large dans son étendue géographique et plus décentralisé. Il est consacré aux politiques internes et externes de l’Union. More info
Georges Vandersanden
En publiant un ouvrage sur l’espace audiovisuel européen, l’Institut d’Études européennes a entendu saisir le sujet dans son intégralité. C’est pourquoi les analyses juridiques sont éclairées par une description des enjeux politiques et économiques de l’audiovisuel. More info