Wolfgang Glänzel - EUB

Wolfgang Glänzel

Wolfgang Glänzel holds a doctorate in Mathematics from Eotvos Lorand University Budapest and a Ph.D. in Social Sciences from Leiden University. He is Professor of Managerial Economics, Strategy and Innovation at the Katholieke Universiteit Leuven. Main research interests of Wolfgang Glänzel are bibliometrics (Quantitative analysis and mathematical models of the information processes in scientific research) and Mathematics (Theory of probability distributions). He is also a Senior Research Fellow at the Steunpunt O&O Indicatoren (SOOI) at KU Leuven since 2002. Wolfgang Glänzel is also Senior Scientist at the Institute for Science Policy Research, Hungarian Academy of Sciences in Budapest and Co-Editor of the international journal Scientometrics.

Wolfgang Glänzel is author/co-author of numerous books and papers in international journals and conference proceedings. In 1999 he received the international Derek deSolla Price Award for outstanding contributions to the quantitative studies of science.



Works involving Wolfgang Glänzel