Dr Petra Bárd is an Associate Professor at Eötvös Loránd University, Faculty of Law, Department of Criminology, where she teaches EU criminal law, EU human rights and criminal justice, criminal policy, and criminology. She is Visiting Professor and Researcher at the Central European University's Legal Studies Department and lectures at other universities across Europe including Belgrade, Frankfurt and Vienna. She participates in numerous international research consortia, such as RECONNECT, an H2020 project on 'Reconciling Europe with its Citizens through Democracy and Rule of Law’; JUD-IT on cross-border access to electronic data in EU judicial cooperation in criminal matters; and is principle investigator of a research team targeting hate crimes, at the Hungarian Academy of Sciences.
In her research and about 170 pieces of academic publications – including several monographs – she targets issues at the intersection of the rule of law, human rights, EU criminal cooperation, mutual recognition and mutual trust. She regularly authors studies on the rule of law, media pluralism, minority protection, victims’ rights and EU criminal justice for the European Parliament, and other EU institutions or agencies.
Élodie Sellier, Anne Weyembergh
This book examines to what extent differences between national procedural criminal laws hinder the negotiations and the operation of cross-border cooperation instruments in the EU area of criminal justice. More info