Arye Zoref - EUB

Arye Zoref

Arye Zoref (PhD in Arabic Literature, The Hebrew University in Jerusalem, 2013) specializes in Judeo-Arabic and interreligious discussions. He is a research fellow at the Department of Biblical Studies, Tel Aviv University. His publications include: "David the Prophet in Sa'adya Gaon's Commentary on Psalms and Its Syriac and Karaite Contexts," in The Character of David in Judaism, Christianity and Islam, ed. M. Zawanowska and M. Wilk, Leiden/Boston: Brill, 2021, pp. 209-238; “Sa‘adia Gaon’s commentary on exodus 32: 1–6: why did Aaron agree to Build the golden calf?”, in Jewish Biblical Exegesis from Islamic Lands: The Medieval Period 1, ed. M. Polliac and A. Brenner Idan, SBL, 2019, pp. 121-127; “The Influence of Syriac Bible Commentaries on Judeo Arabic Exegesis as Demonstrated by Several Stories from the Book of Genesis,” Studies in Christian-Jewish Relations 11.1, 2016, pp. 1-18.


Titres avec la participation de Arye Zoref