Rethinking the European Union and its Global Role from the 20th t

Rethinking the European Union and its Global Role from the 20th to the 21st Century

Liber Amicorum Mario Telò
First Edition

This edited volume, which has been drafted in honour of Professor Telò’s research career, offers the reader an overview of the various scientific debates that he has been involved in throughout his distinguished career. The aim was to highlight, contextualise and build on his most innovative contributions to each of these debates. Read More

The volume revolves around four thematic areas, each of which brings together a number of contributions that offer timely reflections on a given question or challenge covered by Professor Telò’s research. The first section, ‘Reflections on the Future of Social Democracy in Europe’, brings together chapters on the efficiency and legitimacy crisis facing contemporary social democracies, be it at the European or national levels. The second section, ‘Reflections on the Prospects for European Governance’, offers the reader a cross-section of assessments on the state of the European polity, its politics and the policies that it produces, notably in the light of recent institutional reforms and crises. The third section, ‘Reflections on the Implications of Multilateralism and Multipolarism for Europe’, explores how both regional experiences in general and the EU’s external action in particular have reacted to a rapidly changing international environment. The fourth and final section, ‘Reflections on the Lessons drawn from Engaged Research in Europe’, takes a step back and considers the role of the researcher in the evolving and challenging environment sketched out in the preceding sections. It focuses both on how to approach such a complex area of research as the EU as well as how to reconcile academic distance with societal engagement when working on controversial topics.

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Éditions de l'Université de Bruxelles
Edited by
Jean-Michel De Waele, Giovanni Grevi, Frederik Ponjaert, Anne Weyembergh,
Introduction by
Jean-Michel De Waele, Giovanni Grevi, Frederik Ponjaert, Anne Weyembergh,
Contributions by
Frederik Ponjaert, Mimmo Carrieri, Furio Cerutti, Ramona Coman, Pascal Delwit, Chun Ding, Marianne Dony, Ferdinando Nelli Feroci, Andrew Gamble, Janine Goetschy, Annamaria Lazzarino del Grosso, Nicolas Levrat, Paul Magnette, Thomas Meyer, Leonardo Morlino, Tereza Novotna, Donald Sassoon, Vivien A. Schmidt, Maria João Rodrigues, Nicolas Schrijver, Christophe Sente, Françoise Thys-Clément,
Honored/dedicated to
Mario Telò,
European Studies
Supporting Website
European Studies Institute IEE - ULB
Publisher Category
Publishers own classification > Political Science
BISAC Subject Heading
POL058000 POLITICAL SCIENCE / World / European
Onix Audience Codes
06 Professional and scholarly
CLIL (Version 2013-2019)
Title First Published
15 April 2019
Subject Scheme Identifier Code
Thema subject category: Political science and theory


Publication Date
15 April 2019
Main content page count : 310
160 x 240 x 12 cm
500 grams
Version 2.1, Version 3


Publication Date
06 August 2019
Product Content
Text (eye-readable)
Main content page count : 310
Epub Accessibility
Table of contents navigation
Version 2.1, Version 3

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List of Abbreviations
Tribute to Professor Mario Telò | Françoise THYS-CLÉMENT
Mario Telò’s Contribution to International Relations | Andrew GAMBLE
Introduction | Jean-Michel DE WAELE, Giovanni GREVI, Frederik PONJAERT,
I – Reflections on the Future of Social Democracy in Europe
Parties and Democracies in Southern Europe after the ‘Great Recession’ | Leonardo MORLINO
The Transformations of the Socialist Family: Organisational Aspects | Pascal DELWIT
The Dilemma of Social Europe | Thomas MEYER
The Pursuit of Another Version of Socialism: From the Nation to Europe and beyond
Europe | Christophe SENTE
Still the Century of Social Democracy? | Mimmo CARRIERI
The Evolution of European Welfare State Systems in Relation to National Socioeconomic
Circumstances | Chun DING
II – Reflections on the Prospects for European Governance
Contemporary and Past Crises: The Historical Dimension | Donald SASSOON
Europe’s ‘Machiavellian Moment’. How Can Europe Deal with the Risk of Falling
Apart? | Paul MAGNETTE
The Governance of the Union and the Merging of the Roles of President of the European Council and
of the European Commission | Marianne DONY
EU Governance and the Crisis of Legitimacy: What Future for Integration? | Vivien SCHMIDT
Differentiated Integration: A Formula Tested over Time | Ferdinando Nelli FEROCI
European Social Policy (1957-2017): A Long Quest for Recognition | Janine GOETSCHY
Is the EU a Proper Successor to the European Community? | Nicolas LEVRAT
The Coordination of Macroeconomic Policies in the Aftermath of the Eurozone Crisis : Shaping
Policies Through Executive Politics | Ramona COMAN
III – Reflections on the Implications of Multilateralism and Multipolarism for Europe
The Relationship between the History of Political Thought and Comparative Analysis of Regional
Organisations | Annamaria LAZZARINO DEL GROSSO
Putting Principles into Practice: A Continued Multilateral Regime for EU-ACP Relations after the
Expiration of the Cotonou Partnership Agreement in 2020 | Nico SCHRIJVER
Federica Mogherini Four Years Through Her Mandate as the High Representative and Vice-President
of the Commission (HRVP) | Tereza NOVOTNA
IV – Reflections on the Lessons Drawn from Engaged Research in Europe
Europe as a Research Topic and a Lifeworld Dimension | Furio CERUTTI
An Innovative Understanding of Intellectual Commitment in the Twenty-First Century: Combining
High Level Research, Policy Recommendation and Large Scale Outreach | Maria João RODRIGUES
From the Twentieth to the Twenty-First Century: Between Two Major Historical Junctures?
An Interview with Mario Telò Covering his Research Career from 1975 to 2017 | Frederik PONJAERT
Publications by Mario TELÒ
List of Authors

