Meira Polliack is Professor of Bible at Tel-Aviv University (PhD Cambridge University). Principal Investigator (with Camilla Adang and Sabine Schmitke) of the international research project Biblia Arabica: The Bible in Arabic among Jews, Christians and Muslims international research project (2012–8); Jacob and Hilda Blaustein Visiting Professor of Judaic Studies at Yale University and member of the research group Encountering Scripture in Overlapping Cultures: Early Jewish, Christian and Muslim Strategies of reading and Their Contemporary Implications at the Institute of Advanced Studies, Jerusalem (2009–10). She is co-editor with Michael G. Wechsler of the Book Series Karaite Texts and Studies (Leiden: Brill). She has published on medieval Jewish Bible translation and exegesis in the Islamic milieu, Judaeo-Arabic literature, Karaism, and the Cairo Geniza. Among her works: The Karaite Tradition of Arabic Bible Translation: A Linguistic and Exegetical Study of the Karaite Translations of the Pentateuch from the Tenth to the Eleventh Centuries CE. (Leiden/Boston, Brill, 1997); Karaite Judaism: A Guide to its History and Literary Sources (Leiden/Boston, Brill, 2003), and, together with Eliezer Schlossberg, Yefet Ben Eli's Commentary on Hosea; Annotated Edition, Hebrew Translation and Introduction (Ramat Gan, Bar-Ilan University Press, 2009).