Dr Daniel Niţu is a lecturer at the Faculty of Law within the Babeş-Bolyai University in Cluj-Napoca and a criminal defence attorney in one of the largest law firms in Romania. He has a master's degree from the same university (2005), as well as a PhD in law (2012). His PhD thesis is entitled 'The immunity of heads of states in criminal law’. Daniel is a specialist in Romanian criminal law, European criminal law and international criminal law. He teaches Romanian criminal law – general part – and European law at the Faculty of Law in Cluj. He was a member of the Ministry of Justice’s committee for the drafting of the Implementation Law of the New Criminal Code in 2010, as well as a member of the Superior Council of Magistracy committee for promotion to the High Court of Cassation and Justice of Romania, Criminal Section, in 2013 – 2015, 2017 and 2018. Since 2014 he lectures judges and public prosecutors at the National Institute of Magistracy in Bucharest. Since 2016, Daniel is the chair of the Public Law Department within the Faculty of Law in Cluj-Napoca.
Élodie Sellier, Anne Weyembergh
This book examines to what extent differences between national procedural criminal laws hinder the negotiations and the operation of cross-border cooperation instruments in the EU area of criminal justice. More info