Francesca Galli is Dr. and Lecturer at the Faculty of Law (University of Maastricht) and Collaboratrice Scientifique at the Institut d'Études Européennes (Université libre de Bruxelles).
Francesca Galli, Anne Weyembergh
Criminal law has considerably evolved in the last few decades. A number of new trends have challenged the traditional features of “modern criminal law”. More info
Francesca Galli, Anne Weyembergh
This book dedicated to the substantive criminal law in the EU put the Libson Treaty under scrutiny. It evaluates the changes introduced by this new Treaty and their impact, before reflecting on future prospects. More info
Francesca Galli, Anne Weyembergh
To several governments, modern international terrorism cannot be handled adequately within the ordinary criminal justice system. To fight terrorism (including the criminalization of certain “abstract danger”, preparatory activities such as terrorist training, membership in a terrorist organization) more effectively, criminal law had to be adapted. More info