Jean-Louis Genard - EUB

Jean-Louis Genard

Jean-Louis Genard is a philosopher and has a PhD in sociology. After having been Director of the ISA "La Cambre" and Dean of the Faculty of Architecture "La Cambre-Horta" of the ULB, he is currently Professor of the Free University of Brussels. He has published numerous books, including La Grammaire de la responsabilité (Cerf, 2000), Les pouvoirs de la culture (Labor, 2001), Qui a peur de l'architecture? (with P. Lhoas, La Lettre Volée, 2004), Action publique et subjectivité (with F. Cantelli, LGDJ, 2007), Critical Tools, Les instruments de la critique (with H. Heynen, La Lettre Volée, 2012), Enjeux patrimoniaux en contexte postcolonial  (with J. le Maire, L'Harmattan, 2017), Éthique de la recherche en sociologie (with M. Roca, De Boeck, 2019) as well as numerous articles on ethics, public policies including social, cultural, urban, architectural policies, and also on epistemological and ethical issues specific to the human sciences. He is also editor-in-chief of the review SociologieS.


Works involving Jean-Louis Genard