Jossfinn Bohn - EUB

Jossfinn Bohn

Jossfin Bohn, born in 1991, is a Master of Arts graduate in literary and linguistic studies (German, Dutch and English) from the Université libre de Bruxelles. Her master thesis, entitled Adalbert Stifter. Zwischen Aufbruch und Tradition, analyzes parts of the Austrian author's work from a gender-oriented angle. Parts of the thesis have been published. Bohn’s research focuses are literary gender and cultural studies as well as (post)colonial studies. Since October 2016, she works under the supervision of Professor Stéphanie Loriaux as a ULB PhD scholarship holder in the field of Dutch literature. Bohn’s research project is centred around the concept of literary categorization and particularly around the category of feminine literature of immigration.


Titres avec la participation de Jossfinn Bohn