Samuel B.H. Faure is Associate Professor of Political Science and Director of International Relations at Sciences Po Saint-Germain (Cergy Paris University), and Associate Researcher at Printemps CNRS Research Centre.
Dr Faure specializes in the politics of the European Union, French and British armaments policies and the defence industry in Europe. He is an expert scholar at the Institut des hautes études de défense nationale (IHEDN), where he advises leading decision-makers on European defence policy.
He was formerly a postdoctoral researcher at the University of Oxford (Nuffield College and Maison française d'Oxford) and at King’s College London, an associate researcher at the Institute for Strategic Research of the Military Academy (IRSEM) and a visiting researcher at Harvard University.
He holds a PhD in International Relations from Sciences Po and a Master’s degree in European Studies from the University of Montreal. His doctoral thesis won IHEDN’s top prize for 2018 and the French European Studies Association’s J.L. Quermonne Prize. He also won the 2019 Pierre Hassner Prize for the best article in strategic studies published in French.
His first book, European Defence: Emergence of a Common Strategic Culture, was published in 2016. He has also co-edited two volumes on the Europeanisation of national defence policies and has published, inter alia, in Etudes internationales, the European Review of International Studies, European Security, Les Champs de Mars, French Politics, Politique européenne and Revue internationale de politique comparée.
Samuel B.H. Faure
Grâce à la conduite de plus de 150 entretiens, Samuel B.H. Faure offre une plongée inédite dans le monde méconnu de l'industrie de la défense et révèle la manière dont elle est gouvernée : c'est l'histoire du clash des élites d'armement. More info