René Smits is Professor of the Law of the Economic and Monetary Union at the Universiteit van Amsterdam.
Jean-Victor Louis, Iain Begg, et al.
How has prudential supervision to be conceived and organized for an emerging single financial market ? This is the concern of the present book which consists in a report prepared by an international group of experts chaired by Professor Jean-Victor Louis and working in the framework of the ECU Institute, based in Lyon. More info
Georges Vandersanden, Aline De Walsche
Ces Mélanges rendent hommage à Jean-Victor Louis, professeur émérite de l'Institut d'Études européennes de l’Université libre de Bruxelles, docteur honoris causa de l’Université de Paris 2 (Panthéon-Assas), conseiller juridique honoraire de la Banque nationale de Belgique et rédacteur en chef des Cahiers de droit européen. More info