Patrick Legros holds a Ph.D. from the California Institute of Technology 1989. He is Professor of Economics at the Université libre de Bruxelles. He has taught at Cornell University and the Université de Liège and was visting professor at the Tinbergen Institute, Université de Strasbourg and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. He is managing editor of the Journal of Industrial Economics and was associate editor of Economics Bulletin.
His research focuses on the general equilibrium aspects of organizations, in particular on how selection of agents in firms affects the overall performance of an economy when markets and contracts are imperfect. He has applied this research agenda to the self-selection of students and professors in universities, investment in education and the vertical integration of firms.
Mathias Dewatripont, et al.
This book offers an improved understanding of European higher education, both from a scientific and a policy point of view. More info
Paul Magnette
L'entrée dans l'Union européenne de dix nouveaux États est sans conteste l'événement majeur de la décennie. More info
Mathias Dewatripont, et al.
This interdisciplinary work explores new developments in the theory of organizations and applies them to the specific case of universities. More info
Paul Magnette, Éric Remacle
Ce volume est le second d’une étude réfléchissant à la construction d’un nouveau modèle européen, plus ambitieux dans ses objectifs et plus modeste dans ses moyens, plus large dans son étendue géographique et plus décentralisé. Il est consacré aux politiques internes et externes de l’Union. More info