Tine Van Osselaer is Research Professor in the history of spirituality, devotion and mysticism at the Ruusbroec Institute of the University of Antwerp. In the last years, she has published on gender and religion (The pious sex. Catholic constructions of masculinity and femininity in Belgium, c. 1800-1940, 2013; "Stigmatic women in modern Europe. An exploratory note on gender, corporeality and Catholic culture", in M. Mazoyer and P. Mirault, ed., Évolutions et transformations du mariage dans le christianisme, Paris, L'Harmattan, 2017, p. 269-289); and edited volumes on religion and the family (Christian homes. Religion, family and domesticity in the 19th and 20th centuries, 2014), and on corporeality and emotions. She also is the principal investigator of STIGMATICS: “Between saints and celebrities. The devotion and promotion of stigmatics in Europe, c.1800-1950”, a project sponsored by the European Research Council (ERC Starting Grant).
Cécile Vanderpelen-Diagre, Caroline Sägesser
Adoptant une démarche diachronique et interdisciplinaire, cet ouvrage interroge le rapport entretenu par l’Église et le monde catholique avec la famille. plus d'information
Bruno Benvindo
Ce volume entend faire écho à l’extraordinaire essor que connaissent les études sur les hommes en tant qu’êtres sexués, en présentant vingt-cinq contributions sur les masculinités à l’époque contemporaine. plus d'information